As people look into the creative process of Nendo's, they will arouse different emotions within the spatial experience. Individuals will be more aware of their mood shift as their senses become more acute when leaving the space.

The moment of discovery is always magical because it is unexpected. The Revelation seeks to recreate that sense of excitement like how Mathew Kenney presents his dish; ingredients are well integrated into one another creating dishes that are vibrant and dynamic yet still kept it’s authenticity.
A learning center that provides playful experiences and strategic approaches for parents to build motivation and teach skills to their autistic child in a structured environment.

river stories
River has been the natural source of life passed on by generations, whenever the river lives the life of the land prosper. It is truly the fuel and the gentle nurture of earth. We can be sure to say the river is a heritage of life.

Unparalleled is an escape zone in the heart of the city that explores the senses of calm and rejuvenation. Here, the visitors can discover, investigate, and experience the feeling of sitting into the brand of Hyundai Genesis.

falling stars
Shooting stars make their way across the sky. You gasp, and they are gone.